
  • Trouble property مفتوح
    4728 Knorr 19135 philadelphia, PA - US Congressional District KS1

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am a proud long time resident of Tacony. I have seen changes in our neighborhood. Both for the good and bad over the years. Recently our community has taken a turn for the worst. With the efforts of yourself, townwatch and other community efforts I see a suttle stabilizations over the winter months. I realize this could have not been achieved without your help, thank you for this.
    I live on the 4700 block of Knorr street, we have a problem house on our block 4728, over the years drugs are sold open air. Constant traffic by foot and car. Fights, thefts on the block distruction of property, prostitution etc.... I and other neighbors had made many call to different governmental authorities. So far nothing had been done. The police no longer respond. We are always told investigations are under way (more then 5 years have passed). The quality of life on surrounding blocks are diminished greatly. Something MUST be done... I assure you, if actions are taken against this property crime will diminish greatly in this area. There are 6 children that reside on the property, that witness all this dispair. Who if something isn't done soon will continue the cycle. The owner residents in the house are not ignorant to whats going on. They are a part of it, getting proceeds of the transactions. However they play dumb, when the few times the police do respond because of disturbances. We neighbors have contacted 15th district command in the past and were forwarded to various enities that took notes but nothing was done (or at least we didn't see any significance) Please Help!!!!